ph0wn CTF 2017 Write-up: Misc/helpxman - Stage 2 and 3

After successfully getting the flag of Stage 1, the challenge told us to continue looking for something interesthing from the app. After playing around with the app's UI, we found nothing special and decided to look into the internal of the app.
By saying internal we meant: let's reverse the source code of the application!

Get the application's APK file from the glasses.

  1. Connect the glasses with the computer as described in Stage 1
  2. List all current application installed in the smart glasses:
> adb shell pm list packages
=> We can easily identify the app we are looking for is package:ph0wn.reconjet
  1. With the package name found, we can find the actual filename and the location of the APK file:
> adb shell pm path ph0wn.reconjet
(Author's note: When writing this write-up, I have to run the app again on my phone, so the path appear above might be different from the one actually found on smartglasses.)
  1. Pull the APK to our host computer for further analysis:
> adb pull /data/app/ph0wn.reconjet-1/base.apk ./ph0wn.reconjet-1.apk

Analyse the APK file

  1. We use [apktook] to decompile the APK file.
On the host computer:
$ apktool d ./ph0wn.reconjet-1.apk 
I: Using Apktool 2.2.3-dirty on ph0wn.reconjet-1.apk
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: /root/.local/share/apktool/framework/1.apk
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Baksmaling classes.dex...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Copying unknown files...
I: Copying original files... 
All the source/resource files are decoded and saved at ph0wn.reconjet-1 directory.
  1. After some quick investigation, we found one suspecious file (and with suspecious name): ph0wn.reconjet-1/smali/ph0wn/reconjet/HiddenActivity.smali.
Look inside the file, we found one suspecious part of source code (at the end of file): from line 114 to line 1012.
    .array-data 4
=> This is definitely suspecious and we have to find a way to decode this set of hexa codes, it may store our flag(s).
  1. By some simple tricks to copy and paste, we put all the hexa codes next to each other for better view, and save them to a file called hexacodes:
$ cat hexacodes
(Trick: merge all the lines and remove spaces in VIM
:%s/\n        //g
  1. One more thing, these hexa codes look pretty much a set of ASCII codes of a very long string, let's try to print them out by a simple python print function.
In []: print((open('hexacodes').read().replace('0x','')).decode('hex'))
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-36-ba53ed228ee2> in <module>()
----> 1 print((open('hexacodes').read().replace('0x','')).decode('hex'))

/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/hex_codec.pyc in hex_decode(input, errors)
     40     """
     41     assert errors == 'strict'
---> 42     output = binascii.a2b_hex(input)
     43     return (output, len(input))

TypeError: Non-hexadecimal digit found
Oops! It should work, but why doesn't it?!
  • We tried to read only 30 first characters:
In []: print((open('hexacodes').read().replace('0x',''))[:30].decode('hex'))
=> It works with the first 30 characters. (And the word Congratulations makes us believe that we are on the right way). There must be some thing wroing in the middle of the string makes our process doesn't work.
  • Look at closely to the string, we found the problem: it is the code 0xa that made our print command failed. Isn't it supposed to be a newline character (0x0a)? Let's fix it and try again.
  • Secondly, we noticed that the final '\n' in our hexacodes also makes a problem, so that let's remove it as well.
  • The final command is as follows:
In [57]: print((open('hexacodes').read().replace('0xa','0x0a').replace('0x',''))[:-1].decode('he
    ...: x'))
Congratulations, this is stage 2 !
To flag this stage, flag is: Ph0wn{KKKPicoIsEverywhere} where you must replace KKK with the key you found during stage 1.
Key for stage 3 is: c_Hqopef91

Stage 3:
Search in the room, direction NW, for a hidden treasure :) Be quiet so that other teams do not understand what you are doing.
To flag this stage, flag format is: Ph0wn{KKKKKKKKKKAAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFFGGG}.
Where KKKKKKKKKK is the key you found during stage 1.
- AAA is the coordinates of the first lettter of word FORTINET is the treasure. First letter is column (A, B, C...). Second letter is row (1,2,3...). Third letter is word direction: H for horizontal, V for vertical. So, if FORTINET starts at row A, column 3, horizontally, we will have A3H.
- BBB is the coordinates for TELECOM,
- and GGG for GREHACK.
Good luck.
BINGO!! All the information of flags for Stage 2 and Stage 3 are revealed!
  1. The rest are simple (we hoped :) ), it actually require some physical exercises and playing with some word game (as described above), no computer skills needed. (But personally I think this kind of thing made this challenge a lot of fun and unlike any other CTF challenges before. Plus 1 for ph0wn organizers!)
  2. So,to conclude, the flags are as follows:
  • Stage 2: Ph0wn{X@MPicoIsEverywhere}
  • Stage 3: Ph0wn{c_Hqopef91M17HI10VO19VK1VL14VA8VC12V
BONUS Here is the hidden treasure we found (with some beautiful original handwriting):


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